Perhaps that I didn't quite get around to laying any specific New Year resolutions is one reason for a feeling of a little disjointedness. But I'm fairly happily resolved that in this day and age, when so much is buzzing around and you have to pick and chose what really matters, then all you can do is the best you can do for those the most immediate to you. So this will mean continuing to bring home the bacon to provide for my family, to be a fully supportive colleague to those I work with and for, to be the best parent and role model I can for the wee one (now sporting three teeth and last night discovered that being one top and two bottom I can clack them together and scare the hell out of my mums), stay healthy, try and limit myself to at least one glass of wine a night, and to try and get some exercise in. The latter is my big current concern. Running or biking, kayaking or swimming around the neighbourhood used to be a thrumbing passion - now with this wee sprog in the house, that need seems to have been abated. And I have the Everglades Challenge to paddle in seven weeks! Never in all my 46 years have I experienced the ticking clock syndrome - that absolute maternal surety that I needed to give birth and have my own child. I've always been happy to be an aunt (from Guatamala, as my brother tells his kiddies) or a support to girlfriends wanting their own child. Now, perhaps, there's more to my psyche than I had previously thought. I talked about this with SandyBottom when she visited last weekend, being the proud mother of two great young children (and not so much children anymore!). She knew what I meant.
So on we go! On y va! 2008 and beyond!
Lift up the corner of this note to discover a little time expanding pack. Enjoy it with your nightly glass of wine and get double the time out of life! If only!
I guess we are all thinking about time slipping by these days and wondering how we'll manage to do all we wish to do. Just look at my list of paddling venues and that's the 'short list'! There's always more...
Welcome back... :-)
Happy happy... smile...
With the values you have expressed here I know you would be a blessing to any child into whose life you entered.
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