Sunday, March 2, 2014

Charlotte Harbor

Kristen and Dawn were on the water by about 06:45 this morning and are now most of the way across Charlotte Harbor. They're heading for the Matlatcha side of Pine Island, which is the most common route for paddlers. Their speed has picked up a little in the last half hour or so, which may be the sun producing some wind.

Forecasts are for another relatively calm morning but no shift to north winds in the afternoon. In one way that's good news, since it will keep the seas down on the exposed passage south of Fort Myers to Marco Island. The paddlers, of course, always hope for favorable wind but take whatever the wind's whim offers.

Kristen called home from CP1 last night and reported a great day on the water. She saw two porpoise and a sea turtle, had favorable afternoon winds and made good progress. She was off the water last night by about 22:30, which should have given her ample time to get her necessary five hours of shuteye.

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